Becky Nevin

machine learning research
galaxy research
resume and cv
science communication
about me
A talk about talks, 2024

Slides from a talk for the Deepskies lab about best practices in science communication. In other words, a talk about talking 😂

COFI winter school SBI tutorial, 2023

Slides from an simulation-based inference tutorial talk I gave at the COFI physics winter school.

See also, the SBI tutorial notebooks with accompanying diagnostics created by myself and Jason Poh: colab notebook for strong lens SBI and colab notebook for linear regression.

Yale invited seminar, 2023

Slides from an invited lecture to Yale's Data-Science X Astronomy-Astrophysics Seminar about linear discriminant analysis and causal analysis.

CSAID Fermilab talk, 2023

Slides from a research overview talk at Fermilab.

Harvard Hernquist group, 2021

Slides from a talk for Lars Hernquist's research group about convolutional neural networks, domain adaptation, and explainability in ML.

Thesis slides, 2019

Here are the slides from my thesis talk.

AAS press conference, 2019

Carnegie astronomy lecture, 2018